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Political Studies Association of Ireland


Political Theory Specialist Group


Dr. Peter Stone, Trinity College Dublin. Email:

Dr. Alexa Zellentin, University College Dublin. Email:



The Political Theory Specialist Group of the PSAI aims to promote the study of contemporary political theory and the history of political thought. It aims to represent and support political theory within the PSAI and beyond. In particular, the group seeks to advance the linkage of political theory and political philosophy with political science, philosophy and other disciplines. The Group does not favour one style or branch of political theory over another.


The Political Theory Specialist Group will arrange events such as political theory workshops (with invited speakers from abroad) and political theory panels at the annual PSAI meeting. The group will set up a website with information about political theory events in Ireland and with links to other related groups in the United Kingdom (the PSA Specialist Groups), in Europe (ECPR Political Theory Group), and in the United States (APSA Foundations of Political Theory Group and the Association for Political Theory).


To become a member of the Group you must be a member of the PSAI, which you can join here. You do not have to belong to a political science department or to an Irish university to be a member or to join the Group. In fact, the Group positively welcomes members from disciplinary backgrounds such as, for example, philosophy, human geography, cultural studies and sociology.


Please see Political Theory SG’s Facebook page: