Irish Political Studies Journal

Irish Political Studies (IPS) is the only refereed journal exclusively dedicated to the publication of high-quality academic articles on Irish politics. It covers politics in the Republic of Ireland, in Northern Ireland, the politics of their bilateral relationship and the politics of their relationship with the United Kingdom, and the European Union. IPS is the official journal of the Political Studies Association of Ireland, the professional body of political scientists in Ireland, North and South.
Founded in 1986 Irish Political Studies has served a crucial constituency of academics, students, journalists and political practitioners. It is the fundamental resource for any serious study of contemporary Ireland and has also contributed significantly to a greater understanding of Irish political science, political history, and has helped to place Irish politics in a broader comparative perspective.
- Liam Weeks – University College Cork
- Féilim Ó hAdhmaill – University College Cork
Reviews Editor:
- Thomas Tormey – University College Dublin
Associate Editors (Data Yearbook):
- Eoghan Kelly – Queen’s University Belfast
- Guy Gerba – University College Cork
Editorial Board:
Fiona Buckley | University College Cork |
R. Kenneth Carty | University of British Columbia |
Rory Costello | University of Limerick |
Michele Crepaz | Queen’s University Belfast |
Thomas Daübler | University College Dublin |
John Garry | Queen’s University Belfast |
Brian Girvin | University of Glasgow |
Iseult Honohan | University College Dublin |
Thomas Leahy | Cardiff University |
Muiris MacCarthaigh | Queen’s University Belfast |
James McAuley | University of Huddersfield |
David Mitchell | Trinity College Dublin |
Stefan Müller | University College Dublin |
Niall Ó’Dochartaigh | University of Galway |
Brendan O’Leary | University of Pennsylvania |
Eoin O’Malley | Dublin City University |
Jon Tonge | University of Liverpool |