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Political Studies Association of Ireland


Annual conferences

The 2024 PSAI Annual Conference will be hosted by Trinity College Dublin on 18-20 October 2024. Paper proposals should be submitted by 20 July 2024. You can find out more at the conference webpage

Peter Mair Lecture

In 2012, the Political Studies Association of Ireland instituted the Peter Mair lecture in honour of one of Ireland’s most distinguished political scientists. The lecture is delivered at the Association’s annual conference and is to be published in Irish Political Studies. You can find the published lectures here. The lecture series to date includes:

2023 Nicole Bolleyer (LMU Munich). ‘How to study political parties: from civil society to the state and back.’ [Video.]

2022 Fernando Casal Bertoa (University of Nottingham). ‘The Problem of Party System Change Revisited.’

2021 Catherine de Vries (Bocconi University). ‘Political Change in Europe: the Role of Political Entrepreneurs.’

2019 Simon Hix (London School of Economics and Political Science). ‘Remaking Democracy. Ireland as a Role-Model.’

2018 Anne Rasmussen (University of Copenhagen): ‘Policy Representation in Europe’

2017 Luca Verzichelli (Siena) ‘Back to Responsiveness: The Crisis and Challenges to the European Political

2016 Brigid Laffan (EUI) ‘Europe’s Union: Fractured Polity and Fractious Politics’ 

2015 Rudy Andeweg (Leiden) ‘Peter Mair on Representative Democracy’.

2014 Donatella Della Porta (EUI) ‘Political Cleavages in a Time of Austerity’.

2013 Kenneth Carty (British Columbia) ‘A natural governing party: Fianna Fáil in comparative perspective’.

2012 Ingrid van Biezen (Leiden) ‘The End of Party Democracy as we Know It?’.

Recent hosts of the PSAI Annual Conference

2023 – Queen’s University Belfast

2022 – South East Technological University, Waterford

2021 – University College Dublin

2020 – Online event

2019 – National University of Ireland, Maynooth

2018 – University of Limerick

2017 – Dublin City University

2016 – Queens University Belfast

2015 – University College Cork

2014 – National University of Ireland, Galway

2013 – Trinity College Dublin

2012 – University of Ulster, Magee

2011 – University College Dublin

2010 – Dublin Institute of Technology

2009 – Liverpool Hope University

2008 – National University of Ireland, Galway

2007 – Dublin City University

2006 – University College Cork