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Political Studies Association of Ireland


Peace and Conflict Specialist Group


Dr. Sarah Jenkins, University of Galway. Email:

Dr. Richard Hargy, Queen’s University Belfast. Email:

Dr. Cera Murtagh, Villanova University. Email:

PSAI Peace and Conflict Blog

The Peace and Conflict specialist group have created a blog to provide a point of contact and information source for scholars with similar if overlapping interests. Please visit to participate.


The area of focus for the Specialist Group include:

  1. Conflict and conflict studies-the casual factors, preconditions, forms of conflict (religious, ethnic, regional, economic, nationalistic), institutional remedies, post-conflict adjustments and consequences, primarily as seen in relation to stability and state-building.
  2. Peace studies-the efforts and approaches towards achieving peaceful resolution of conflicts; the institutional and value framework relevant for achieving such ends; assessments of peace movements, the major successes in such efforts, and the regions and nations of greatest challenge.

The concerns are broad. The intent is to bring together scholars with similar if overlapping interests.


The Peace and Conflict Studies Specialist Group will be an active source of scholarship and collaboration in this ever-developing field. The focus of such collaboration will be dedicated panels at the annual PSAI conference.

It is envisaged that this will lead into combined proposals for larger conferences (such as PSA, British International Studies Association, ECPR, and APSA), annual workshops for practitioner/ researcher interaction, and shared research/ publishing initiatives. The Group will therefore be used to disseminate knowledge to a wider audience as well to share expertise among a wide range of interested individuals and groups.


The Peace and Conflict Studies Specialist Group welcomes members from across disciplinary areas and specialist areas, including politics, law, economics, and history. To become a member of the Group you must be a member of the PSAI, which you can join here.

You do not have to belong to an Irish university to be a PSAI member or to join the Group.